Fuji X-T50 Coming Soon | Price in India


The XF16-50mmF2.8-4.8 will be announced together with the X-T50. The X-T50 will therefore be the first camera to be offered with the new XF16-50mmF2.8-4.8 as a kit lens.

– XF16-50mmF2.8-4.8 (to be released in the first half of 2024)
– X-T50 (scheduled to be released in the first half of 2024)
– GFX100SII (to be released in the first half of 2024)

It looks like the first camera to be combined with the new kit lens will be the X-T50. Until now, both XF18-55mm and XC15-45mm have been used as kit lenses for the XT double-digit series, so I was wondering whether the kit lens for X-T50 would be XF or XC, but apparently Looks like it’s going to be a new XF.

The price of the Fuji X-T50 is expected to be around INR 80-90k. Will post an update soon when we get exact numbers.

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