Best Lenses for Sony A7 IV in 2024

We have selected some of the best lenses for the Sony A7 IV camera. these lenses sure will give a dent in your wallet but belive me its a one time investment and in return you will get amazing image quality for lifetime. So, buying a perfect lens is even more important than buying your camera. Unleash Your A7IV’s to its full potential and use it like a PRO, not a noob: Get the Top Lenses for Photo & Video Perfection: The Sony A7IV isn’t just a camera; it’s a creative canvas waiting to be splashed with vibrant colors and breathtaking moments. But to truly unlock its 33MP brilliance, you need the right brush – an exceptional lens to paint your vision onto reality.

I’ve been pushing the A7IV to its limits as a hybrid photo/video beast, and trust me, pairing it with premium glass takes everything to the next level. Forget “average” – get ready to sizzle with stunning detail, buttery bokeh, and cinematic clarity.

But where do you start from prime or Zoom ? Fear not, fellow image-makers! I’ve collected and sorted out some of the best e-mount lenses from sony and third party makers that represent the ultimate trifecta: quality, value, and performance. These aren’t just lenses; they’re creative enablers, ready to fuel your photographic and videographic passions.

Native vs. Third-Party: While budget-friendly options exist, remember, native lenses, built specifically for Sony, often bring an extra layer of polish (yes talking about the Gmaster lenses). Think seamless compatibility, rock-solid autofocus, and weather-sealing that lets you chase stories even when the weather turns sour.

What are the Best Lenses for Sony A7 IV in 2024?

 1.Sony FE 16-35mm F2.8 GM #1 THE BEST LENSRazer Sharp Lightweight Dust Resistant 
 2.Sony FE 24-70mm F2.8 GM #1 THE BEST LENSBeautiful Bokeh Dust Resistant Aluminium Body 
 3.Sony FE -70mm F2.8 GM  Beautiful Bokeh Fast AF Dust Resistant 
 4.Sony FE 28mm F2  Amazing In Lowlight Great For Travel Affordable   
 5.Sony FE 35mm F1.8 GM  Amazing In Lowlight Great For Street Shooters Affordable   
 6.Sony FE 85mm F1.8 #2 Best Lens for Portrait  Linear Motor For Precise, Quiet Focusing Super Quiet AF Zero Distortion Fast Focusing 
 7.Sony FE  50mm F1.8  Amazing In Lowlight Great For portrait Affordable   

1. Sony FE 16-35mm f/2.8 GM | Best Ultra Wide Zoom Lens

For those seeking a perfect ultra-wide zoom lens to for their Sony A7 IV camera, the 16-35mm F2.8 has the ability that it can be used to capture landscapes OR astrophotography, its so versatile that it can be used for any purpose, where you want to capture the entire canvas or a closeup portrait shot. The Sony FE 16-35mm F2.8 GM II is an exceptional choice for professional photographers and cinematographers too.

The Sony GM lenses are renowned for their image quality as well as built quality, and believe me, this lens is no exception with the 16-35mm F2.8 version II. It delivers sharp images across the frame at nearly all focal lengths. The F2.8 aperture is versatile enough for any lighting conditions, making it ideal for travel photography where lighting can be unpredictable (specifically for street shoots as well as content creation on the go). Yes, it can be also used in traditional way like whether you’re capturing the golden hues of sunrise or sunset, or delving into astrophotography, this lens is a comprehensive solution.

Sony has also managed to reduce the weight of this lens by approximately 80% compared to the previous generation of the lens while enhancing its sharpness, autofocus speed, and minimum close focusing distance, so it is completely redesigned and made more perfect compared to its predecessor. It surpasses its predecessor in every aspect, making it a highly recommended upgrade. This lens fills in the gaps left by the general-purpose Sony 24-70mm F2.8 GM II lens, making it an excellent companion lens for your kit.

2. Sony FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM II | Best Sony Lens For Sony A7 IV

The “Everyday Hero” Lens for Sony A7 IV Shooters: I think it should be called the nifty little zoom lenses, is a all-time favorite among Sony A7 IV users for its versatility and stunning image quality. It’s the perfect companion for capturing landscapes, action shots, and everything in between. And without a doubt the 27-70mm F2.8 will cover the 99% of your shooting needs.

Super Wide to Documentary Style shoot, It’s Got You Covered: Best lens for Documentary Style shooting. Sure, some folks might find its super wide angle a bit much for everyday use, but trust me, this lens is surprisingly effective! At 35mm, you’ve got that classic documentary vibe going on, while 16mm lets you unleash your inner landscape master. And the best part is you wont lose light while zoooming in the constant aperture-based lens helps to to gain max quality.

It feel like your working with multiple prime lenses: The most usable focal length for any camera not only Sony A7 IV, For decades photographers have selected the 24-70mm range as the best range for everyday use even for all kinds of professional work and projects. Now no need to buy multiple prime lenses like 16mm, 20mm, or 35mm makes a big difference, instead of making a one-time smart investment and buying a 24-70mm Lens. even if they seem close at first glance. 16mm gives that dramatic ultrawide look, while 35mm keeps things more natural with minimal distortion. Usually, I opt for the 35mm range for everyday shooting, but hey, sometimes you just gotta go super wide!

Sharp as a RAZOR, Built to Last: This lens isn’t just versatile, it’s a real workhorse. The sharp optics deliver image quality beyond your expectations, such an outstanding performer. image quality across the entire aperture range so sharp that it wont lose any details even while pixel peeping to 100% scale, and chromatic aberration and distortion are kept in check. Build quality is top-notch too, with a solid metal barrel and grippy rubber rings for smooth zooming and focusing. I’ve even accidentally dropped it a couple of times, and it held up like a champ!

Weather Woes: A Minor Hiccup: The only real downside is that while it’s weather-sealed, I wouldn’t recommend taking it out in a torrential downpour. Heavy rain can cause some issues between the lens and camera body. But for everyday adventures, this lens is pretty much unstoppable.

So, if you’re looking for a versatile, high-quality lens for your Sony A7 IV that can handle anything you throw at it, this is the one.

3. Sony FE 70-200mm f/2.8 GM | Best Zoom Lens for Sports and Event Shoot

Telephoto Triumph: Why the Sony 70-200 f/2.8 GM Belongs in Your Kit: While it takes the final slot in our trio roundup, the Sony 70-200 f/2.8 GM is anything but an afterthought. I have used this lens mostly in capturing stunning portrait images from my camera, if you are able to have this lens for portrait in a park you will have an amazing output belive me, if you haven’t tried ever a 70-200mm F2.8 for candid and portrait shoot you must give yourself a chance to try this out.

The Perfect Trio: 16-35mm, 24-70mm, and finally the hero arrives, Compression Magic: Bringing the Distant Close: But this lens’s magic extends beyond portraits. At 200mm, it unleashes the power of compression and that really works like a magic wand of harrypotter, making faraway elements appear closer to your subject and adding a dreamlike quality to your shots. Think mountain backdrops morphing into intimate settings or action sports bursting with adrenaline-pumping energy.

F/2.8 Freedom: Subject Isolation and Razor-Sharp Clarity and super creamy bokeh like a yum: The f/2.8 minimum aperture unlocks another dimension when paired with 70-200 focal lengths, of creative possibilities. It isolates your subject and creates a magic, letting them stand out against a beautifully blurred background and what a dremay output. And speaking of beauty, this lens delivers exceptional sharpness even at the widest aperture, ensuring your subject pops with stunning detail.

Packed with Features for Peak Performance: The 70-200 f/2.8 GM isn’t just about stunning optics; it boasts a feature-rich design for ultimate control. Choose your focus range, select the ideal optical stabilization mode, switch between auto and manual focus, and lock your focus with the dedicated button. Even the zoom and focus rings feel remarkably smooth and stable, making every adjustment a smooth, precise experience.

The King of Telephoto for Sony A7IV: Unveiling the Magic: As the mid-range zoom market sees more contenders, the Sony 70-200 f/2.8 GM remains a champion. Its combination of compression magic, f/2.8 freedom, razor-sharp clarity, and feature-rich design solidifies its place as the king of telephoto lenses for Sony A7IV users. So, if you’re looking to expand your creative horizons and capture the distant with breathtaking detail and control, add the 70-200 f/2.8 GM to your kit and unlock a world of photographic possibilities.

F/2.8 vs. F/4: Choosing Your Light Warrior: On a tighter budget, the Sony 70-200 f/4 remains a solid choice. It offers excellent image quality while sacrificing a full stop of light compared to its f/2.8 sibling. If you envision yourself shooting indoors with a telephoto, the faster f/2.8 is the clear winner. But if prioritizing weight savings, the f/4 becomes a tempting alternative.

Investing in Magic: Unveiling the Potential of Your A7 IV: If you’re ready to unlock the full potential of your Sony A7 IV and capture the distant world with breathtaking detail and control, the 70-200 f/2.8 GM is an investment you won’t regret. It’s not just a lens; it’s a creative gateway that will elevate your photography to new heights.

4. Sony FE 28mm f/2 – Best Budget Prime Lens for Everday Shoot

The Unsung Hero: Rediscovering the Sony 28mm f/2: While newer and flashier lenses often steal the spotlight, the Sony 28mm f/2 remains a quiet champion for A7 series cameras. It’s been around since 2015, but don’t let its age fool you. This lens packs a punch with its blazingly fast f/2 aperture, surprisingly light weight, and unbelievably friendly price tag. It’s more than earned its place as a top contender in any A7 IV lens guide.

I admit, I initially overlooked it. I already had a 16-35mm covering the wide-angle range, and the 28mm seemed redundant. But then, something clicked. I was drawn to its compact size and budget-friendly appeal. Suddenly, carrying the A7 IV everywhere felt effortless. Gone were the worries about lugging around expensive gear. Now, photography became spontaneous, accessible, and truly everyday.

And the 28mm isn’t just about convenience. It’s a beloved focal length, especially among street photographers and photojournalists. Its wider-than-35mm angle lets you capture the energy and context of a scene, while still offering enough focus for powerful portraits. Indoors, it shines again, giving you ample room to frame your subject without bumping into walls.

In short, the Sony 28mm f/2 is more than just a lens; it’s a philosophy. It’s about rediscovering the joy of everyday photography, unburdened by heavyweight gear and hefty price tags. So, if you’re looking for a versatile, affordable, and surprisingly delightful companion for your A7 IV, give the 28mm f/2 a chance. You might just find yourself falling in love with its quiet charm and undeniable performance.

Tiny Titan: The Sony 28mm f/2 Packs a Mighty Punch: Don’t let its size fool you—the Sony 28mm f/2 is a compact powerhouse waiting to unleash your photographic potential. It’s not just lightweight and budget-friendly; it’s a street photographer’s secret weapon and a beginner’s perfect primer.

Size Matters (in a Good Way): This lens is discreetly awesome. Its small stature makes it less intimidating for approaching candid subjects, letting you capture natural expressions without the “big camera” barrier. It’s a breath of fresh air compared to bulky setups, and your back will thank you for it.

Punching Above its Price Tag: Despite its affordability, the 28mm f/2 packs a pro-level punch. Its blazing f/2 aperture conquers low light, freezing fleeting moments and capturing movement with ease. While bokeh may not be its forte due to the wide angle, you can still achieve pleasing background separation for close-up portraits.

Sharpness that Impresses: This lens delivers crystal-clear sharpness, especially in the center frame. While it softens slightly towards the edges at wider apertures, it’s a quantum leap compared to your typical kit lens. Paired with the A7IV’s lightning-fast autofocus, you’ll enjoy a seamless shooting experience, snagging sharp, silent images in an instant.

Beyond Specs, Pure Enjoyment: Technical specs can bog you down, but trust me, the fun factor of this lens is undeniable. Its minimalist design and pocket-friendly size are pure joy to use. It’ll force you to “zoom with your feet” and truly connect with your surroundings, mastering the essential 24-35mm range along the way.

The Perfect Prime for Everyone: Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a curious beginner, the Sony 28mm f/2 is a worthy investment. It’s the ideal entry point into the world of prime lenses, teaching you about composition, perspective, and the magic of a fixed focal length.

Embrace the Tiny Titan and unleash your creativity. The Sony 28mm f/2 is waiting to be your everyday adventure companion.

5. Sony 85mm F1.8 – Best Lens for Portrait Photography

Let’s face it, stunning portraits don’t always require breaking the bank. The Sony 85mm f/1.8 is proof that breathtaking bokeh and low-light magic can be yours for an incredible price. This lens is my go-to for crafting soft, dreamy backgrounds that make your subject truly pop, even in less-than-ideal lighting conditions.

Sure, the pricier G-Master boasts an extra 2/3 stop of aperture, but for most portrait scenarios, you won’t even notice the difference. In fact, you’ll love the freedom and agility that comes with this lens’s compact size and lighter weight. Whether you’re capturing candid moments at a family gathering or chasing golden hour light outdoors, the 85mm f/1.8 won’t weigh you down.

Trust me, the blazing-fast f/1.8 aperture delivers incredible sharpness and stunning bokeh, separating your subject from the background with buttery smoothness. Plus, the lightning-fast autofocus ensures you never miss a fleeting expression.

So, if you’re looking for a powerful yet affordable portrait lens that won’t compromise on quality or performance, the Sony 85mm f/1.8 is your champion. It’s the perfect blend of artistry and practicality, a true budget-friendly gem that will help you capture unforgettable portraits wherever your creativity takes you.

By focusing on user benefits, specific scenarios, and adding a personal touch, you can turn this description into a compelling argument for why the Sony 85mm f/1.8 is the ideal portrait lens for budget-conscious photographers.

This lens completes my “focal length trinity” alongside the 35mm and 55mm, each serving a distinct purpose. The 85mm, however, holds a special place for close-up portraits. It flatters faces, eliminates distortion, and creates a natural separation between your subject and the background – try that with a 35mm, and you’ll see the difference!

Beyond portraits, this lens becomes a landscape compression artist. Imagine mountains looming closer, city lights dancing in the background – the 85mm squeezes the scene, adding depth and intimacy.

And then there’s the bokeh, the reason you see this lens in hands of so many photographers. Imagine city lights melting into swirling orbs, adding a touch of magic to your urban shots. At f/1.8, this lens throws the background beautifully out of focus, making your subject the star of the show.

But perfection isn’t just about optics. Paired with the Sony A7IV’s eye-autofocus, this lens becomes a sharpness-seeking missile, locking onto faces and details with lightning speed. And the focus hold button? It’s like having a personal assistant ready to keep your subject in focus, no matter how fast they move.

Portrait or headshot photographer? This lens should be your secret weapon. It’s affordable, portable, and packed with creative punch. So ditch the heavyweights and embrace the “backpack buddy”. The Sony 85mm f/1.8 is waiting to unlock your photographic magic, one gorgeous shot at a time.

6. Sony 35mm F1.8 Prime | Classic Street Shooter

My Everyday Hero: Why This Lens Never Leaves My Side: Imagine a lens that’s light enough for any adventure, small enough to slip into your bag, and powerful enough to handle any situation. That’s the Sony 35mm for me – my constant companion, from bustling city streets to serene mountain trails.

It’s the perfect fit for my camera, never weighing me down. And when the light fades, it shines even brighter, capturing stunning moments with ease. I can ditch the bulky beasts and still get that dreamy background blur – magic that fits in your pocket!

Sure, there are wider options, but this one’s just right. It lets me get close and personal for intimate portraits, or step back and take in the whole scene. Street photography, weddings, you name it – this lens adapts like a chameleon.

If I could choose just one, this would be it. It’s not just a tool, it’s a trusted friend, an extension of my creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, this lens is your champion, ready to capture life’s big moments and quiet details, anytime, anywhere.

Get Creative with Blur and Beauty: Close up, this lens paints your subject in the spotlight with a dreamy, blurred background. The sharpness is outstanding, even if the edges might get a touch softer when wide open. But honestly, who spends ages staring at corners anyway?

Weddings, Events, Anything: My love for the 35mm makes it my secret weapon for capturing life’s big moments. It switches effortlessly between distortion-free portraits and wider shots, adapting to anything you throw at it. This flexible focal length has unlocked a treasure trove of creative possibilities for me.

Your Everyday Champion: Want a versatile lens that does it all? This is your hero. It’s fast, powerful, and ready for anything, from quiet details to vibrant scenes. Trust me, this lens becomes more than just a tool – it’s your creative companion, waiting to unleash your photographic magic.

7. Sony 50mm F1.8 | Best Budget Portrait Lens

The Tiny Titan: Why the Sony 55mm f/1.8 Packs a Punch: At the heart of my kit sits a champion – the Sony 50mm f/1.8. It’s more than just a lens; it’s a pocket-sized powerhouse that punches way above its weight. Don’t let the friendly price tag fool you – this little gem delivers razor-sharp images that put those clunky kit lenses to shame.

Sharpness? This beauty delivers it across the frame, at any aperture. It’s like having a built-in detail booster, turning every scene into a feast for the eyes. And at under 10 ounces, it’s like it floats on my Sony A7 IV. Video magic? Absolutely! The combo becomes a featherweight dream, gliding alongside you for smooth, cinematic captures.

This lens is so compact and sleek, it might even make your bag feel lighter. Don’t be surprised if you check twice, wondering if you actually packed it! Throw it in your pocket, toss it in your backpack – it’s always ready for adventure.

If you’re after a lens that’s sharp as a tack, tiny as a whisper, and versatile enough for anything, the Sony 50mm f/1.8 is your champion. It’s an everyday hero, a creative companion, and a reminder that big things come in small packages.

Zooming In on Beauty: Why the Sony 50mm f/1.8 is My Portrait Pal: Sometimes, you want to get closer to the heart of the story. That’s where the Sony 50mm f/1.8 steps in, my trusty sidekick for crafting stunning portraits. It’s like a laser focus for your creativity, letting you isolate your subject and make them the star of the show.

Think dreamy full-body portraits that capture every detail, or close-ups that reveal a whisper on a cheek. This lens blurs the background like a pro, painting your subject in soft, creamy light. It might not be the widest aperture out there, but it still conjures that classic, full-frame magic you see in professional shots.

But it’s not just about the blur – the colors and contrast this lens produces are just breathtaking. They amplify the sharpness, making every edge crisp and every emotion crystal clear. Over time, you develop a sense for each lens’s personality, and the 50mm f/1.8 has a charm all its own.

It’s like having a whisperer for your camera, helping you highlight the essence of a scene without feeling cramped like a longer lens. It’s fast, flexible, and fits beautifully in your hand and on your camera.

No 50mm in your kit? This one’s a must-try. It’s an invitation to explore the beauty of faces, details, and the stories they tell. Trust me, your photography will thank you.


What are the best Budget Lenses for Sony A7 IV

Choosing the “best” budget lens for your Sony a7 IV depends on your specific needs and shooting style. Here’s a detailed list of some fantastic third-party budget lenses, categorized by their strengths:


  • Tamron 28-75mm f2.8 G2: This lens boasts a versatile zoom range and a bright f/2.8 aperture for excellent low-light performance. It’s sharp, compact, and weather-sealed, making it a great everyday option.
  • Sigma 24-70mm f2.8 DG DN: Another versatile zoom with a slightly wider starting focal length. It delivers solid image quality and weather resistance at a competitive price.

Prime Wonders:

  • Samyang AF 35mm f/1.4 FE: This lens offers superb sharpness and a dreamy bokeh effect for stunning portraits and low-light photography. It’s lightweight and affordable, making it a popular choice.
  • Rokinon 14mm f/2.8: For ultra-wide landscapes and astrophotography, this manual lens delivers fantastic results at a budget-friendly price. Just be prepared for the lack of autofocus.

Telephoto Twists:

  • Tamron 70-300mm f/4.5-6.3: If you’re interested in wildlife or distant subjects, this telephoto zoom offers good reach and image stabilization without breaking the bank.
  • Sigma 100-400mm f/5-6.3 DG DN: Another telephoto option with a longer reach, ideal for birding or sports photography. Its compact size and image stabilization make it a convenient choice.


  • Consider your shooting style: landscapes, portraits, action, etc.
  • Think about aperture: faster apertures are better for low light, but pricier.
  • Don’t forget autofocus: some manual lenses require more practice.
  • Research reviews and sample images before making your decision.

These are just a few suggestions to get you started. With so many amazing third-party options available, you’re sure to find the perfect budget lens to complement your Sony a7 IV and take your photography to the next level.

What lens mount is Sony a7iv?

The Sony a7IV utilizes the versatile E-mount, opening up a world of lens possibilities. With this mount, you can not only enjoy the extensive lineup of native Sony FE lenses designed for full-frame sensors, but also explore a wide range of third-party lenses specifically catered to the E-mount system. This flexibility grants you the freedom to tailor your kit to your unique photographic needs and artistic vision.

While you can technically use APS-C E-mount lenses on the a7IV, remember that the full-frame sensor will capture only the central portion of the image, effectively applying a crop factor. This can be limiting in certain situations, but it also offers interesting creative opportunities for framing and perspective.

Ultimately, the E-mount on the a7IV is a powerful asset, empowering you to experiment and unleash your photographic creativity with a diverse array of lenses. So, go forth, explore, and capture the world through your unique lens (literally and figuratively)!

What’s the Sony a7 IV kit lens?

The Essential Ally: Partnering with the A7 IV: Your new A7 IV comes with a trusty sidekick – the adaptable explorer: the Sony FE 24-105mm f/4 G OSS. This lens unlocks a treasure trove of styles, letting you capture anything from expansive vistas to intimate moments, all in one convenient package.

Think of it as your steady companion, always ready to gather light evenly thanks to its reliable f/4 aperture. No more scrambling with settings – just focus on your story, and your lens will handle the rest. And if shaky hands are your nemesis, fear not! The built-in image stabilization keeps things crisp and clear, even when you’re on the move.

Sure, specialized lenses can handle specific situations like low-light or distant subjects, but this versatile champion is your ideal starting point. It’s your friend for all seasons, ready to adapt to your adventures and capture life’s beauty, near and far.

Can you use Canon lens on Sony A7iv?

Say hello to the versatile world of adapters: These clever contraptions bridge the gap between your Canon lenses and the Sony E-mount of the a7 IV. Popular options like the Metabones Canon EF Lens to Sony E Mount T Smart Adapter (Mark V) act as seamless translators, letting you enjoy all the optical goodness of your Canon glass on your new Sony body.

But why bother? The benefits are plenty:

Expand your creative horizons: Access a wider range of focal lengths, apertures, and styles without breaking the bank. You’re not limited to Sony’s offerings anymore!

Save some green: Repurposing your existing lenses can be much more cost-effective than buying a whole new set for Sony.

Maintain quality: Canon lenses are renowned for their exceptional build and image quality. Why compromise when you can keep the magic alive?

Of course, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Autofocus might not be as snappy as with native Sony lenses, and some features like eye-tracking AF might be unavailable. But hey, the trade-off for the sheer creative freedom and potential savings is often worth it.

So, if you’re a Canon shooter eyeing the Sony a7 IV, don’t be discouraged by the different lens mounts. Embrace the possibilities! Grab an adapter, dust off your Canon beauties, and get ready to unleash a whole new wave of photographic adventures with your hybrid powerhouse.

Remember, the best camera is the one you have with you. And now, with the a7 IV and an adapter, your favorite Canon lenses can be your constant companions on every creative journey.

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